Sagging back

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Downward "drooping" of the paint film immediately after application, resulting in an uneven coating.


  • Application of too heavy a coat of paint.
  • Application in excessively humid and/or cool conditions.
  • Application of overthinned paint.
  • Painting over a glossy surface, which does not provide enough of a profile to which the
  • coating to adhere to.
  • Painting over a surface contaminant.


If paint is still wet, immediately brush out or re-roll to redistribute the excess evenly.

If the paint has dried, sand and reapply a new coat of paint.

Do not thin the paint unless recommended on the label or data page.

Follow label and data page directions for the appropriate environmental conditions for the coating.

Sand glossy surfaces dull to provide a profile for the coating to adhere to.

Follow label and data page directions for the appropriate spreading rate (e.g., the recommended total area that can be painted) for the product. Two coats of paint at the recommended spread rate are better than one heavy coat.

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